Year 5 and where we go from here.......
After a year of extreme highs and lows, I am ready to keep moving forward and make this the best year for my business!
Although the year started out with amazing sales and traffic, it was quickly drowned out by a failed partnership.
As things change and people evolve, one has to make the hard decisions to end things for their own sake. Although the partnership started it out good, by the end it just seemed more like a chore that anything else. Sales were extremely low and failed communication; it was just best to end it.
At the same time, I had just begun a new partnership, and things were going extremely well. People were loving the classes & products. I was flourishing in new ways and gaining new customers every month. This partnership is still going and I'm very blessed to have them in my corner.
Then came time for my biggest market of the year and that was a total loss. It was a miserably cold & wet market with no traffic and basically no sales. I didn't even recoup the fee!!
Then life just kept hitting us with major curve balls! Our fridge gave out all of a sudden, major unexpected expenses, vehicles breaking down and so much more. So, at this point I basically hit a major downfall.
I lost all motivation, creativity and spark. I basically abandoned my business for a couple of months because of the blows that I kept getting dealt. It was hard and it sucked. This is my passion; I love doing what I do and seeing y'all love my products makes it all worth it.
Behind the scenes, every sale that I make not only goes back into my business, but it also goes towards my family. Recent sales have helped me help my husband with groceries, buying kids things for school, bills, gas to take them to school, etc. Now as the year goes on, it will help us attend their events, buy the fundraising items and so much more.
My family is my everything right now. My kids need me to be present and for so much more. I have always made it clear that they come first. At the end of the day, they are what I have left. By supporting me, you are helping to support them.
I am slowly starting to get my spark, motivation and creativity back. I am getting my toes wet again and I am very hopeful to be fully back in a couple of weeks.
Product wise, all of your favorites are still there. There are a few things that are going to change though. As I am getting back, I am making decisions on what works best for me and right now that is simply not doing any major launches or collections. Will I still drop seasonal items? Yes. I will be bringing back all of your favorites and maybe some new ones. When I do decide to do collections, they will not be your typical collections. I am planning on fully changing the way I do them so that they are more of what speaks to me and not what is in season at the moment.
But I also want you to be aware of the fact that I also plan on cutting out some products. Those will be the ones with little to no sales or scents that are just flops. It is never easy to cut things out but in order for me to grow and keep going I have to.
As far as markets go, I have decided to forego them this year. After the dismal one at the beginning of the year, I'd rather focus on my online presence. IF, and that's a big if, I do choose to do one, please note that I will be very selective with them.
One last thing, I also have something new & exciting in the works with Victoria, Poppy Ella Boutique, and I cannot wait to share all of the details with you! This is something that our area doesn't have just yet and am hoping will be a huge hit. Once all of the details are finalized, I'll share all of it with y'all.
I am grateful for all of you, whether you attend my classes, make purchases, or simply recommend me to someone, it doesn't go unnoticed.
I have evolved and grown so much in the last 4 years and am excited to see what the next 4 hold. Thank you again for being here and continuing to support me.